Top 8 Picks for Garden Fencing this Spring!
When completing a fencing project you need to know about the different types of fence panels and why you should choose certain types of panels. While all the panels have the same functions including noise reduction, mapping boundaries and security there are other factors that you need to consider. Some panels are designed to offer more aesthetic features than practical ones and you need to consider this when looking at the fence panels for your project.
Here’s our top picks for fencing panels
Waney Edge Fence Panels
Waney edge fence panels are also known as overlap panels and are perfect for fencing projects that are being completed on a tight budget. These panels are made with renewable timber and crafted by expert fence fitters. The panels can last up to 5 – 10 years and require little to no maintenance. If this suits your fencing requirements it is possible to have the panels stained to your specifications.
Closeboard Fencing
If you are looking for added durability and strength for your garden/playground area then these panels are the right ones for you. The panels are long-lasting and ideal for front or rear yards and any type of garden. If you are looking for additional strength and a better look then consider the double-sided versions. Not only will this increase your security, it will also increase the aesthetic value of the garden and fence. Treating the timber used for the panels will increase the durability, however pressure treated panels (aka Tanalised panels) will last the longest, you can expect 15 years of ware before replacement.
Trellis Panels
Trellis fence panels are generally made with intersecting pieces of wood, metal or bamboo at the top of the panel to create an open framework for quickly decorating the garden. It is possible to purchase Trellis panels in a variety of timber types, sizes and styles. You can also paint or stain the panels to suit your needs or leave them in their natural state.
Trellis panels are versatile and attractive adding a new dimension to your outdoor space or garden. In open-air areas such as swimming pools, they can offer a bit of privacy and they can be used to screen off some unsightly views. The many aesthetic qualities of these panels make them a popular choice over the more traditional solid panels.
Picket Fencing
If you are looking to define your boundaries or need to keep your pets within an area then picket fencing is the ideal choice. To create a picket fence you will need to evenly space the panels along the boundary and connect them to each other using rails. The low height of picket fencing means that you will not be blocking the views of your surroundings.
PVC and timber are the most popular materials for picket fences, with PVC increasing all the time. PVC is available in white and will not need any painting and they are known to be very long-lasting. It is possible to not only use picket fencing to mark your boundaries, but for more aesthetic purposes as well.
Hit And Miss
The Hit and Miss panels are called this because of the way that they are attached to the boards. These panels will be alternatively attached to the front and back of the boards creating an overlapping hit and miss pattern. Both sides of the fence will look the same so your neighbour can have a good looking view as well.
The hit and miss panels can be used with a slotted jackpost. These panels also allow the wind to pass through which makes them more stable in high altitude places. If possible, it is recommended that you get timber panels as you can create a better finish with this material.
Feather Edge fencing
This has a similar look to the close board panels but each vertical lap board is fitted manually to it’s rail onsite,
If you are looking for flexibility and security for an affordable price then feather edge fencing is the right option. The fence is made with vertical feather edge boards which are aligned vertically and fixed to wooden rails. These fences are best suited to gardens with non-uniform contours as the fence is able to follow the natural contours of the ground. If you want to protect against rot you should have the fence panels treated and they should be fitted with a cap at the top.
Western Red Cedar Fencing
This type of fencing is growing in popularity in recent years. Often used by landscape designers in their projects. Western Red Cedar is chosen due to its stable and durable nature
providing a modern alternative to a standard fence. As a more affordable alternative, pressure treated softwood with the right combination of oils, can be used for a similar effect.
Bespoke Fencing
If you want something that stands out from the crowd you should look at bespoke panels. This type of fencing can be altered to your specifications and are generally made with environmentally sustainable materials. This means that the panels you buy come from sustainable and well-managed resources.
Bespoke fencing will include made to size fence panels and are available in a range of timber types and finishes. Bespoke fencing can be used for decorative purposes as additional accessories can be added to them.
This is not all that we offer, why not give us a call and we can offer you a free no obligation consultation where we can find the right fencing for you, call us for fencing on..
020 3322 7015